Precedent Transactions: Funded Car Accident Claims
Since 2017, Uplift Legal Funding has been helping car accident plaintiffs secure the financial support they need. Below is a selection of our results. Click here for more information on Uplift Legal Funding’s car accident loans.
Car Accident Claim Funding Examples
Georgia Rear-End Collision
Funded in 2025
Rear-end commercial vehicle accident with substantial insurance coverage. The plaintiff suffered extensive injuries to their back, requiring more than five surgeries.
New Jersey Failure to Yield Accident
Funded in 2025
Motorcycle accident in which the defendant had substantial insurance. The plaintiff sustained multiple fractures and had to undergo leg and shoulder surgeries.
Washington Rear-End Collision
Funded in 2024
The client was involved in a rear-end auto accident, sustaining injuries to their hip and jaw.
California Scooter Accident
Funded in 2024
The plaintiff was riding an electric scooter when they were struck by a car. Their injuries from the accident required emergency surgery.
Washington Sideswipe Collision
Funded in 2024
Side-impact car accident claim with contested liability. Among other injuries, the plaintiff fractured their knee. They recovered with conservative treatment.
Florida Rear-End Collision
Funded in 2024
Rear-end motor vehicle accident with seven-figure insurance coverage. The plaintiff underwent spine surgery and incurred substantial medical expenses.
Georgia Head-On Collision
Funded in 2024
The plaintiff was struck by an SUV, sustaining a catastrophic injury that led to the amputation of their arm.
Michigan Stop Sign Violation Accident
Funded in 2024
Our client was a passenger in a motorcycle accident when the defendant failed to yield at a stop sign. They suffered from shoulder and chest injuries, requiring hospitalization.
New York Rear-End Collision
Funded in 2024
The claimant was rear-ended while waiting at a red light. They sustained multiple soft-tissue injuries and incurred six-figure medical expenses from conservative treatment.
Louisiana Parking Lot Accident
Funded in 2024
The plaintiff was in a company truck when they were struck by another commercial vehicle. They sustained a neck injury that required surgical intervention.
Washington Drowsy Driving Accident
Funded in 2024
The plaintiff was a passenger on a bus when it collided with another vehicle, resulting in neck and back injuries.
Minnesota Traffic Light Violation Accident
Funded in 2024
The client was involved in a motorcycle accident when the defendant ran a red light and struck them. The plaintiff suffered from a broken leg and traumatic brain injury.
California Unsafe Lane Change Accident
Funded in 2024
Our client was involved in a motor vehicle accident caused by a semi-truck. They sustained a back injury, requiring injections and surgical intervention.
New Jersey Stop Sign Violation Accident
Funded in 2024
Our client was in an auto accident when the defendant ran a stop sign and t-boned their vehicle. The plaintiff sustained several injuries, requiring two surgeries.
Louisiana Intersection Accident
Funded in 2023
Intersection accident in which a semi-truck failed to yield to the plaintiff. The plaintiff had to undergo arm and shoulder surgeries as a result of their injuries.
Texas Failure to Yield Accident
Funded in 2023
The plaintiff was riding a motorcycle on the highway when they were hit by a car. They had to undergo multiple surgeries as a result of their injuries.
Michigan Single-Vehicle Accident
Funded in 2023
The plaintiff was a passenger in a single-vehicle accident and sustained a head injury requiring stitches.
Michigan Rear-End Collision
Funded in 2023
The plaintiff was involved in a motor vehicle accident that caused neck and brain injuries. The defendant had minimum coverage, but the plaintiff had underinsured motorist coverage of $100,000.
Michigan Rear-End Collision
Funded in 2023
Rear-end motor vehicle accident that resulted in the plaintiff having shoulder surgery. The plaintiff had around $6,000 of funding from another company that Uplift Legal Funding was able to refinance at a lower rate.
New Jersey Failure to Yield Accident
Funded in 2023
Commercial motor vehicle accident that had settled for seven figures when the plaintiff applied with Uplift Legal Funding. Uplift helped the plaintiff refinance their previous funding from a competitor at a substantially lower rate.
Washington Rear-End Collision
Funded in 2023
The plaintiff was involved in a rear-end accident. They sustained a traumatic brain injury and spinal injuries.
Virginia Rear-End Collision
Funded in 2022
Our client was involved in a rear-end accident due to the defendant driving too closely on the highway. They were transported to the hospital and later diagnosed with brain and back injuries.
Ohio Failure to Yield Accident
Funded in 2022
The defendant was driving for work and failed to yield right of way, making a left turn in front of the plaintiff. The plaintiff sustained several injuries including lacerations, fractures, and spinal injuries.
Pennsylvania Rear-End Collision
Funded in 2023
Our client was involved in a rear-end motor vehicle accident, leading to neck and nerve-related injuries.
Washington Public Transportation Accident
Funded in 2022
Our client was injured when a bus collided with another vehicle. They treated conservatively for neck pain due to injuries from the accident.
Louisiana Failure to Yield Accident
Funded in 2022
Our client suffered from a mild traumatic brain injury due to a commercial vehicle accident. They underwent extensive treatment for their injuries.
Oregon Rear-End Collision
Funded in 2022
Our client was rear-ended during a lane change. The plaintiff’s resulting chest injury led to further complications.
Georgia Failure to Yield Accident
Funded in 2022
Motor vehicle accident in which a vehicle failed to yield while making a left turn causing a collision. The plaintiff underwent two surgeries on their back and neck.
Oregon Car Accident Claim
Funded in 2022
The claimant was injured in a car accident and suffered from neck, back and shoulder pain. They treated conservatively with physical therapy and chiropractic care.
New Jersey Unspecified Roadway Accident
Funded in 2022
Our client applied for funding less than two months after their accident. They suffered from soft tissue injuries and back pain as a result of the accident.
Georgia Front-End Accident
Funded in 2022
A commercial vehicle ran into the plaintiff. Due to injuries from the accident, the plaintiff underwent lower bag surgery. The plaintiff’s attorney submitted a demand for the full, six-figure policy limits.
Mississippi Rear-End Collision
Funded in 2022
Rear-end motor vehicle accident in which the defendant was insured with multi-million dollar insurance coverage. As a result of their injuries, the plaintiff suffered from permanent injuries and disfigurement.
California Passenger in At-Fault Vehicle
Funded in 2022
The plaintiff was a passenger in a rideshare vehicle that ran a red light and caused a serious intersection accident. The plaintiff sustained injuries requiring multiple surgeries and incurred nearly $200,000 in medical expenses.
Massachusetts Failure to Yield Accident
Funded in 2022
Commercial car accident claim where the plaintiff suffered from a fractured back.
Massachusetts Intersection Accident
Funded in 2022
Our client was hit by oncoming traffic when the defendant turned left without seeing the plaintiff. They suffered from a fractured back and required surgery.
Minnesota Rear-End Collision
Funded in 2022
Rear-end motor vehicle accident in which defendant was insured with $100,000 of bodily injury coverage. The plaintiff suffered neurological, neck, and back injuries.
Michigan Multi-Vehicle Accident
Funded in 2021
The plaintiff was a passenger in a vehicle that was involved in a multi-vehicle accident on the highway. The plaintiff underwent surgery as a result of their injuries.
Massachusetts Pedestrian Accident
Funded in 2021
The plaintiff was struck by a vehicle in a parking lot, sustaining multiple injuries, including head, arm, and hand injuries.
Virginia Unsafe Lane Change Accident
Funded in 2021
Our client was involved in an auto accident in which they were struck by a work truck. The plaintiff sustained an injury to their cervical spine and had to have fusion surgery.
Louisiana Head-On Collision
Funded in 2021
Our client was hit by an oncoming car. This resulted in the plaintiff sustaining a chest and head injury.
Virginia Rear-End Collision
Funded in 2021
The claimant was driving for a ride-share company at the time of their rear-end accident. The accident exacerbated existing injuries and required surgery.
Michigan Merging Accident
Funded in 2021
Motor vehicle accident resulting in several surgeries. The plaintiff had been approved with another funding company but applied with Uplift Legal Funding to get better rates and terms. Uplift Legal Funding was able to get the client approved for the same amount of funding at a simple, non-compounding rate.
Florida Unsafe Lane Change Accident
Funded in 2021
Auto accident involving substantial medical expenses and insurance coverage. The plaintiff had extensive surgery due to their injuries.
Texas Rear-End Collision
Funded in 2021
The plaintiffs were involved in an accident where the defendant was speeding and rear-ended them, causing the plaintiffs to crash in front of the car in front of them. Both plaintiffs had serious injuries from the accident and required surgery to reach maximum medical improvement.
Washington Passenger in At-Fault Vehicle
Funded in 2021
Our client was a passenger in a vehicle that was the cause of a two-vehicle accident. They seriously injured their hand in the accident and underwent surgery due to their injuries.
Virginia Unsafe Lane Change Accident
Funded in 2021
The plaintiff underwent multiple surgeries on their shoulder and back. They were unable to work after the accident and had already incurred more than $50,000 of lost wages when Uplift Legal Funding reviewed their case.
California Failure to Yield Accident
Funded in 2021
Commercial motor vehicle accident involving more than $1 million in insurance coverage. The defendant made a left turn into traffic and struck the plaintiff. The plaintiff required surgery for their injuries.
Georgia Rear-End Collision
Funded in 2020
The plaintiff won their accident case at trial with a substantial verdict, but the defense appealed. During the appeal, the plaintiff reached out to Uplift Legal Funding for financial assistance.
Disclaimer: Our results are provided are for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as guarantees of similar outcomes. Every legal case is unique, and funding decisions are made based on the specific details and merits of each case.
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