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Pennsylvania Results & Precedent Transactions

Uplift Legal Funding has helped many plaintiffs in Pennsylvania get financial support while waiting for their cases to settle. Whether it’s a car accident, workplace injury, or premises liability claim, we provide funding to ease financial strain during litigation. Below are real examples of funded cases in Pennsylvania. Learn more about Pennsylvania lawsuit loans and how we can assist you.

Pennsylvania Funding Examples

Pennsylvania Third-Party Work Injury Claim


Funded in 2024

A third-party case in which the plaintiff slipped and fell at their workplace. Their injuries led them to have multiple wrist surgeries.

Pennsylvania Premises Liability Claim


Funded in 2023

The plaintiff fell through an open manhole cover. Their substantial resulting injuries required surgical repair.

Pennsylvania Dog Bite Claim


Funded in 2023

The claimant was bitten by a dog, causing serious puncture wounds and requiring surgical intervention.

Pennsylvania Premises Liability Claim


Funded in 2023

The plaintiff slipped on water, sustaining a shoulder injury that was treated with conservative medical care.

Pennsylvania Car Accident Claim


Funded in 2023

Our client was involved in a rear-end motor vehicle accident, leading to neck and nerve-related injuries.

Pennsylvania FELA Claim


Funded in 2022

The plaintiff was operating a mechanism when they injured their shoulder. They were out of work for more than a year while undergoing medical treatment.

Pennsylvania Assault & Battery Claim


Funded in 2021

Our client was assaulted by event security. Their injuries required surgical intervention.

Pennsylvania Premises Liability Claim


Funded in 2021

The plaintiff was injured by accidentally stepping into a hole. After exhausting conservative options, the plaintiff had to undergo two surgeries to recover from their injuries.

Pennsylvania FELA Claim


Funded in 2021

The claimant worked for a major railroad company and suffered injury due to repetitive strain. In addition to providing further funds to the plaintiff, Uplift Legal Funding refinanced their existing legal funding at a low, simple rate.

Pennsylvania Car Accident Claim


Funded in 2020

The plaintiff was rear-ended in an auto accident. The whiplash from the accident caused shoulder and back injuries that required surgery.

Pennsylvania FELA Claim


Funded in 2019

Our client was injured while working for a railroad. Prior complaints had been associated with the defect that caused their injuries.

Pennsylvania FELA Claim


Funded in 2019

Railroad company employee injured on the job due to negligence. The plaintiff sustained serious head injuries and a traumatic brain injury as a result of the accident.

Disclaimer: Our results are provided are for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as guarantees of similar outcomes. Every legal case is unique, and funding decisions are made based on the specific details and merits of each case.

Photo of Jared Stern, founder and managing member of Uplift Legal Funding

By Jared Stern
Updated 3/8/2025

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